Hometown Streets:
Forbes/Fifth Avenue Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Improvements

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Enhancing Pedestrian Safety and Mobility along with East and West corridors of Oakland.

As co-sponsors, the Oakland Transportation Management Association (OTMA) and the City of Pittsburgh have worked collaboratively with key institutional partners and funders: The University of Pittsburgh, The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, The Oakland Business Improvement District and the Urban Redevelopment Authority to secure $2.1M for pedestrian improvements to eleven (11) strategic intersections in the heart of Oakland.

The diagram above highlights the intersections where the pedestrian safety and mobility improvements will be implemented including the installation of pedestrian countdown signals, curb extensions, wider and more visible crosswalks, enhanced lighting and planting for traffic calming.

Michael Facchiano Contracting Inc. is the contractor for the project and the University of Pittsburgh will be the construction managers on behalf of OTMA and the City of Pittsburgh.

Construction will begin on Monday, June 30, 2008 and continue through the end of the year. Construction will occur primarily during the hours of 9pm-6am Monday thru Friday.

Oakland has the highest concentration of academic and medical institutions in the region and state.  It has a daytime population of over 100,000 workers, students and visitors mingling with over 60,000 automobiles passing through on its two main arterials – Fifth Avenue and Forbes Avenue.

Pedestrian safety and mobility have been a constant concern.  Oakland’s Hometown Streets and Safe Routes to School Forbes/Fifth Avenue Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Improvement project will create a safer more mobile environment for the pedestrian in Oakland.


Project Scope:

The total project area includes six (6) intersections along Fifth Avenue and five (5) intersections along Forbes:

  • Fifth Avenue and Thackeray Street, Fifth Avenue and South Bouquet Street, Fifth Avenue and Desoto Street, Fifth Avenue and Atwood Street, Fifth Avenue and Meyran Avenue, and Fifth Avenue and McKee Place,
  • Forbes Avenue and South Bouquet Street, Forbes Avenue and Oakland Avenue, and Forbes Avenue and Atwood Street, Forbes Avenue and Meyran Street and Forbes Avenue and McKee Place

Also included in the scope is the replacement of the street lights along Forbes from McKee to the University of Pittsburgh foot bridge and a replacement design for the Fifth Avenue bus lane railing.

Archived Construction Progress

Fifth Avenue - October 2008

Fifth Avenue - July 2008


Completed Intersections

Fifth and McKee
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Fifth and Meyran
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Fifth and Atwood
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Fifth and DeSoto
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Fifth and Bouquet
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Fifth and Thackeray
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Forbes and McKee
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Forbes and Meyran
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Forbes and Atwood
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Forbes and Oakland
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Forbes and Bouquet
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